
About e-Aduan

e-Aduan is a Customer Feedback System. It was developed to provide customers with an avenue to voice out their complaints about matters pertaining to UiTM.

Now, there are 3 systems that can be used:

  • e-Aduan UiTM (http://eaduankorporat.uitm.edu.my/)
    used for general complaints about UiTM.

  • e-Aduan Fasiliti (https://fms.uitm.edu.my/)
    used for complaints related to facilities in UiTM - electrical, mechanical, telecommunications, civil, landscape, infrastructure and event management.

  • e-Aduan ICT (units.uitm.edu.my)
    used for ICT complaints
    It is hoped that these three systems will help UiTM to address customers' complaints more effectively.

It is hoped that these two systems will help UiTM to address customers' complaints more effectively.