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Hari Bersama Industri dan Alumni Homecoming Fakulti Perakaunan 2022

Date : 30 November 2022
Time: 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue: Dewan Sri Impian, Hotel UiTM, Shah Alam

The Faculty of Accounting today held Hari Bersama Industri dan Alumni Homecoming 2022. The prime objective of this inaugural event is to show our deepest appreciation to our alumni and friends, specifically from the industry, government agencies, local and foreign universities, and the community. We truly value the strategic alliances and networking and hope that the unwavering commitment and continued dedication will see our Faculty growing, from strength to strength, and scaling greater heights of excellence, in research, innovation, knowledge transfer, joint ventures, consultancy and human capital development.

Today’s event also bear witness to the handover of several Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandums of Agreement (MoA) between the Faculty and industry, government agencies and local universities. For record, from year 2020 to year 2022, Faculty of Accountancy successfully signed 52 MoUs and MoAs with the industry, government agencies, local and foreign universities.

Another highlight of today’s event is in recognizing our alumni who have kept UiTM’s flag fluttering high, both locally and internationally. We are extremely proud of all of them, and today we honoured 22 of our alumni with the conferring of the prestigious award, Accounting Alumni Ambassador. Our Accounting Alumni Ambassadors had graduated from various programmes from the Faculty of Accountancy. We have no doubt that our alumni will continue to blaze a path of glory for their beloved alma mater, UiTM.

We really hope that today’s event will strengthen our relationship with our industry partners and alumni, and contribute to the sustainability of the faculty.



Faculty of Accountancy
Aras 1 & 2 Bangunan FPN,

Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Selangor, 
Kampus Puncak Alam, 
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia

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