Accounting Student Association

UiTM Sekreteriat Mahasiswa Fakulti Perakaunan

UiTM Sekreteriat Mahasiswa Fakulti Perakaunan

merupakan sebuah organisasi pelajar yang bernaung di bawah MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR (MPP). Organisasi ini terdiri daripada 29 orang sekretariat (25 dari Kampus Induk Shah Alam & 4 dari Kampus Puncak Perdana). 7 daripadanya ialah sekretariat Majlis Tertinggi manakala 5 orang digelar Pengerusi Sekretariat. SMF bertindak sebagai pembantu pelaksana MPP.
Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Society

Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Society

Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Students (ABACCs ) is one of the oldest students’ association in UiTM. The registration number SH003 indicates that ABACCs was the third students’ association to be registered in UiTM. At that time, Bachelor of Accountancy was known by the name of Advanced Diploma in Accountancy.
Association of Professional Accounting Students

Association of Professional Accounting Students

APAcS is one of the four students association registered with UiTM, under the Faculty of Accountancy. We manage professional accounting students which the professional bodies vary from ACCA, CIMA and MICPA. UiTM Shah Alam is the only public university in Malaysia that offers such professional accounting courses.

Association of Fast Track Accounting Students

Association of Fast Track Accounting Students

AFTAS is established to act as a representative of fast track accounting students of UiTM. It lies among the internal associations of Faculty of Accountancy; APAcS, ABACCS.

With warm and friendly approach, the main goal is to cater to each and every member's welfare and needs.

For the association of fast track accounting students.The past & the present students,

We are the AFTAS family!

UiTM Sekreteriat Mahasiswa Fakulti Perakaunan

UiTM Sekreteriat Mahasiswa Fakulti Perakaunan

merupakan sebuah organisasi pelajar yang bernaung di bawah MAJLIS PERWAKILAN PELAJAR (MPP). Organisasi ini terdiri daripada 29 orang sekretariat (25 dari Kampus Induk Shah Alam & 4 dari Kampus Puncak Perdana). 7 daripadanya ialah sekretariat Majlis Tertinggi manakala 5 orang digelar Pengerusi Sekretariat. SMF bertindak sebagai pembantu pelaksana MPP.
Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Society

Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Society

Association of Bachelor of Accountancy Students (ABACCs ) is one of the oldest students’ association in UiTM. The registration number SH003 indicates that ABACCs was the third students’ association to be registered in UiTM. At that time, Bachelor of Accountancy was known by the name of Advanced Diploma in Accountancy.
Association of Professional Accounting Students

Association of Professional Accounting Students

APAcS is one of the four students association registered with UiTM, under the Faculty of Accountancy. We manage professional accounting students which the professional bodies vary from ACCA, CIMA and MICPA. UiTM Shah Alam is the only public university in Malaysia that offers such professional accounting courses.

Association of Fast Track Accounting Students

Association of Fast Track Accounting Students

AFTAS is established to act as a representative of fast track accounting students of UiTM. It lies among the internal associations of Faculty of Accountancy; APAcS, ABACCS.

With warm and friendly approach, the main goal is to cater to each and every member's welfare and needs.

For the association of fast track accounting students.The past & the present students,

We are the AFTAS family!


Faculty of Accountancy
Aras 1 & 2 Bangunan FPN,

Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Selangor, 
Kampus Puncak Alam, 
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia

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