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AC703-Master in Forensic Accounting & Financial Criminology (by Coursework)

The programme aims at producing graduates with a broad-based introduction to the nature and purpose of forensic accounting.  Graduates are exposed to courses well beyond a 'legal' focus and provide an opportunity to study skills in investigative techniques and the collection of data as well as the skills necessary to not only identify poor management but also unethical and fraudulent activities.  Graduates are expected to acquire independent accounting expert witness skills including preparation for court appearance and cross examinations.  Students may register either for full-time or part-time study for the Master in Forensic Accounting & Financial Criminology. 

Entry Requirements 

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy (Honours) from UiTM or any Institution of Higher Learning (recognized by UiTM Senate) with a minimum CGPA of 2.50; or
  • Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) from any Institution of Higher Learning (recognized by UiTM Senate) with a minimum CGPA of 2.75; or
  • Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) or Professional Degree from any Institution of Higher Learning(recognized by UiTM Senate) with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and 3 years relevant working experience; or
  • Professional Accounting Qualification (ACCA, CPA (Australia), CIMA, MICPA, ICAEW, or equivalent) recognized by UiTM Senate or
  • Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) candidates, Pass MQA ( Aptitude Test and Portfolio Assessment): Level 7(Master Degree)


Courses Offered 
This programme requires students to complete 36 credit units of coursework and 6 credit units of dissertation / applied research.


Core Courses 
  • Legal Aspects of Forensic Accounting
  • Accounting Fraud Examination
  • Forensic Accounting in Public Sector
  • Audit and Investigation
  • Risk Management
  • Research Methodology
  • Commercial Crime Investigation
  • Tax Fraud and Investigation
  • Money Laundering and Specialized Fraud
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis
  • Elective 1
  • Elective 2
  • Dissertation; or Applied Research + Elective 3


Elective Courses
  • Issues in Ethics and Governance
  • Advanced Corporate Reporting and Analysis
  • Seminar in Islamic Accounting and Reporting

Full-time  -  1 1/2 years  
Part-time  - 2 years


Faculty of Accountancy
Aras 1 & 2 Bangunan FPN,

Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Selangor, 
Kampus Puncak Alam, 
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia

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