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Sustainability and Governance

The primary focus of sustainability and governance research cluster is twofold: ​

  • To carry out research and analysis on a wide range of economic, social and environmental related practices. ​
  • To share knowledge and promote understanding about sustainability and governance related issues. ​

This research cluster also focuses on the following targets: ​

  • To promote and create awareness on the importance of sustainability and governance to various stakeholder groups through research, capacity building, sharing of information and exchanges of experiences via various platforms including forums, dialogues, seminars and conferences. ​
  • To undertake collaborative sustainability and governance related research with other Faculties/Centres/Universities/ Organization​


Faculty of Accountancy
Aras 1 & 2 Bangunan FPN,

Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Selangor, 
Kampus Puncak Alam, 
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia

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